• Shotopop Shakes It Up at The Savoy Hotel 插画工作室Shotopop为Savoy Hotel设计了艺术酒单!

    Monday October 23, 2017 / Share

    At the Savoy, The Beaufort Bar is like climbing into a different world, with art deco inspirations, golden booths, and masterfully made cocktails. But there was a piece missing in this masterpiece and they asked Shotopop to help them fill it in. They needed an impeccable menu, and tasked Shotopop with creating a bespoke book of their twenty signature cocktails. Shotopop took the request and ran, making an inspired piece that blends old school references with new school techniques. "The menu was visually inspired by old children's tunnel story books like Alice in Wonderland," Carin Standford, Co-Founder and Director at Shotopop explains.

    As the pages of the menu turn, cut outs shift, grow, and contract, windows opening and closing as they go. It's a beautiful experience to thumb through, but it's a logistical challenge. Each design of each page had to be constructed around these very real changes in canvas, every spread unique. It's a challenge, but one Shotopop was able to master with a little bit of foresight. "With a project like this, it takes a bit of planning in terms of mapping out how the die-cuts will work, which is something you have to do at the start and keep reassessing as you go to make sure that things are still working as expected," Standford explains. It's all about keeping creatively agile until the final project presents itself.

    By adding this kind of treatment to the bar's menus, the team at Shotopop has created portable works of art.

    Savoy Hotel的The Beaufort Bar以美轮美奂的艺术装饰风格和大师级的鸡尾酒闻名。近日,他们邀请了插画工作室Shotopop,为他们定制一款以二十周年纪念签名鸡尾酒为主题的专属酒单。独具匠心的Shotopop团队以经典的童话故事“爱丽丝漫游仙境”为灵感来源,将复古风情和现代技术结合,完成了这本精美的“艺术酒单”。

    最妙不可言的是,当客人在翻阅这本酒单的时候,透过每个页面的承传契合,伸展收缩和镂空设计,都可以窥探到更多有趣的故事。这是一个美妙的阅读体验,同时对设计师也是一场不小的脑力挑战:每一页的剪裁设计要事先构建在独一无二的画布上。好在Shotopop有足够的经验和先见之明,“对于这样的工作来说,细密的事先规划是重中之重,我们需要预想到每一个设计细节在模切中的操作。这些都是在一开始必须要做的事情。并且在制作进程中不断反复审查以保证最后的出品如同预期所望,” Shotopop的主创Carin Standford说,“我们在创作中必须保持高度的灵敏性,直到最终完成这个作品。”



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