Jack Wolfskin | 轻进山野 x 莫文蔚
Wednesday May 8, 2024 / Share
This Spring, amanacliq partnered with Swedish photographer, Gustav Wiking, for an expedition into the mountains alongside Jack Wolfskin, to photograph the brand's new global ambassador, singer-actress Karen Mok. Gustav, renowned for his expertise in outdoor and portrait photography, captured Karen beautifully immersed with nature. The result showcased not only the celebrity but also the brand's shared passion for the wilderness.
今年3月,amanacliq携手瑞典摄影师Gustav Wiking与Jack Wolfskin一起“轻进山野”,为品牌全新全球代言人莫文蔚进行拍摄。擅长户外和肖像摄影的Gustav和莫文蔚在拍摄中默契合作,捕捉到了莫文蔚漫步在自然山野中沉浸真实的一面,展现了艺人和品牌本身对山野自然的共同热爱。
Client: Jack Wolfskin
Agency: Water
Photographer: Gustav Wiking