• SLOW IT DOWN UP IN THE AIR WITH DELTA A350 | 与达美航空一起享受云间慢时光

    Wednesday September 12, 2018 / Share

    Our new animation project is all about luxurious relaxation in the air!

    Combining a creative and inspiring team from Wieden+Kennedy Shanghai with a reputable animation house in the form of Giant Ant from Vancouver, we are definitely looking at a recipe for success with a huge dollop of fun.

    The two 15 second videos for Delta Air's A350 DOS and DPS respectively feature the drastic change of our hero and heroine’s status from hustle mode to holiday mode once they step into the cabin. The storytelling may seem dramatic but we genuinely feel so related to the comfort and pleasure that we long for after a tough working day !

    Time to hop onto Delta Air for our next get away.


    有来自wk上海灵感满满又细腻的创意,又有高水准的动画工作室Giant Ant来做执行,动画自然充满趣味和生机。

    这两段各为15秒的动画短片分别介绍了达美航空A350的重点舱位:达美至臻商务舱套间(DOS)以及达美尊尚客舱(DPS)。我们的男女主人公一踏入船舱,就瞬间从超人繁忙模式转变到悠然度假模式。故事画面乍一看充满了戏剧性,但是谁又能说这不是我们真实的工作状态和心情写照呢 —— 忙忙碌碌了好久,是时候好好慢下来,放松心情了。



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