Trip.com - Discover China Now!
Thursday December 20, 2018 / Share
From the modern metropolis of Shanghai to the incredible landscapes of Guilin, no other destination can match what China has to offer!
Can't wait to discover China? Follow director JasonLee & Jeep Chow's journey across different cities of China to explore most authentic local eatery, culture and natrual sceneries!从五光十色的魔都上海,到美轮美奂的桂林山水,只有在中国这片广袤的土地上你才可以领略如此截然不同的风情!
让我们跟着导演JasonLee和Jeep Chow的足迹一起穿越中国,骑车穿过北京胡同,漫步在中国古老的皇城西安,品味中国各个城市独特的美食、文化和自然风光吧。